January 17, 2009

Same Old Story

It's been a while since my last posting, but that's because not much has been going on. Olivia is addicted to Mickey Mouse Club House which is both good and bad. It's great she enjoys a fun educational cartoon (you learn to problem solve and it's somewhat interactive), but it's bad when she wakes up in the mornings and hands me the TV remote. Ryan and I have been playing hide and seek after dinner with her the past few nights. It's a blast, she's a great finder but not so great hider. There's only a few places to hide in the house she can find you and if you are not poking part of your body out of the hiding place, she really can't find you. The best spot is in our master bathroom tub. It's big and deep so Ryan's back pokes out the top and she can find him no problem.

Olivia had her last set of shots til kindergarten on the 15th and is right on target for height and weight. She's 20Ibs (the scale was old and manual so I think it was a bit off) putting her in the 5th percentile, and she's 32.25 inches long putting her in the 25th percentile. We've just got a teeny tiny as Grandpa Collins would say.

We did get some nice wood delivered to the house for our fireplace and outdoor fire pit. It's mostly pecan, which I've been told smells really nice. Tonight we'll have a bonfire to help celebrate our neighbor's 28th birthday...she enjoys bonfires so I think it's a surprise from her husband, he'll supply the beer.

Other than that, the weather has been cold, although today is supposed to get near 60*. I try not to go anywhere in the van since I end up spending money when I do. Till next time...

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