September 8, 2009

Devil Dog 5K

This past weekend, the Marine Corps Detachment here at Ft Sill hosted the 16th Annual Devil Dog Run. Last year, I ran the 5K but this year decided to walk instead, I wonder why? Ryan didn't want me to go into labor on the 5K course while he ran a different 10K course so he and Olivia walked with me. It was a lot of fun. I had many friends cheering me on throughout the course since they know I am 37 weeks pregnant. My completion time was 56 mins, not bad really, and I wasn't the last person to cross the finish line. All in all, I was sore afterwards but after a good nap I was back to normal.

Now we're just waiting for Justin's arrival, something we were both hoping the walk would accomplish.

1 comment:

  1. Tina! I can't believe you did that walk at 37 weeks pregnant! Good job to you! Didn't your feet hurt? Anyway, I've been thinking about you and your upcoming baby boy. I hope labor and delivery goes smoothly, I'm praying for you!
