Olivia and I have traveled up to Chicago to visit my sister for Memorial Day Weekend. Today we ventured out to the Lincoln Park Zoo...free admission a plus, although parking prices was high. Olivia enjoyed walking around looking at all the animals. She enjoyed the polar bear, birds, giraffe's and of course the big cats. She even really enjoyed circling the base of a tree on a metal grate, just going round and round then round in the other direction. Thank goodness we didn't have to pay admission and parking for her fun with the tree.
The weather is nice, cool 70s for us southern folk, and she is currently taking a much needed nap. She did very well on the two day drive north. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Winnie the Pooh were a staple on the DVD player. My cats are with us and they have done great too! There are three cats in the apartment for the weekend and they all seem to be getting along alright. Leo and Elli are nearly 5 yrs old and Bode (my sister's cat) is only 2, so he tries to play with my cats with very little success. Olivia on the other hand loves to chase Bode around the livingroom and corner him at the end of the hall. She just giggles and giggles when he runs away...poor cat. More updates of our adventures here in Chicago later. We plan on going to the Shedd Aquarium and the Navy Pier.
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