It's official...we're having a boy!! The ultrasound tech said it was plain as day that we're having a son. Time to shop for some clothes, paint his room and figure out how to deal with two little ones. Exciting times! Ryan is excited to attend the ultrasound as he missed Olivia's last time. Pregnancy is going well and my energy level is finally up. Lot's to do and little time to do's always that way!

Congrats!!! I'm so happy for you guys. I bet Ryan has a permanent smile on his face after hearing the news. So now the important question: names? Have any decisions been made or do you simply have a few in mind? I love the name Olivia and cannot wait to hear what you guys come up with.
Again...CONGRATULATIONS. And post some more belly pics-you are so adorable!
How exciting! Congratulations! Have fun picking out boy names and boy clothes and such!
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