There's only 10 weeks left til my due date and so much needs to be done still. I have successfully re-organized our garage with the addition of 3 new heavy duty shelves. Thanks Sarah H. for helping me move stuff around. It was a great day to be outside so I was able to get a lot done while Olivia napped.
Justin's room is still a mess and really still an office storage space/guest room. Paint needs to be applied to the walls, a dresser must be purchased, a glider and ottoman and changing station (well, that's part of the dresser) must find a home, oh and it must be cleared out, LOL. My neighbor is only 3 or so weeks ahead of me with her first child and her nursery looks like it came out of a magazine. The crib, dresser, glider are in their places. The closet is neatly organized and everything has it's own place. And here we are without even a carseat or new double stroller picked out...ironic!! The joy's of first time parent hood and the reality of doing it all again. We'll be ready though, just in time too! The only space left in the house is under our bed but nothing can be moved around til the bed is lifted with bed risers. Oh my, my head hurts now!! It's all worth it.
This pregnancy has gone very well. It's much different than last time. I'm not getting kicked in the ribs but instead have constant pressure with the constant kicking of my bladder. Being more active with a toddler means my back is always sore. This means I must take it a bit slower, but do I, no...not silly me. Again, don't worry!!! Justin moves a lot while I'm trying to go to sleep and in the wee hours of the morning. He moves so much differently that Olivia, with fast and short movements.
I have another appointment next Wed and will find out the results of my glucose test. Ryan was nice enough to take Olivia (in PJ's and all) to work with him so I could rush in asap when the clinic opened to be the first in line to wait an hr for the silly drink to work its magic. It was very nice sitting in the waiting room knitting Justin's hat instead of keeping a sleep eyed toddler entertained. Olivia has been really good about kissing my belly if she leans on it or accidentily pushes the wrong way. She says "boo boo" and really does look sorry.
Her favorite books right now are about babies and big sisters. She loves to find out what Justin will wear, where he'll sleep and ride and what he'll eat. She's going to be a great big sister, as long as I can calmly include her to help me fetch diapers and telephones when they ring when I'm stressed and tired after he's born.
Well, must bake some cookies while she's sleeping!
July 22, 2009
July 12, 2009
Happy Birthday and Holiday Fun
The past week has been filled with fun. We were invited over the 4th of July holiday by our neighbor's to go with them to a great Independence Day celebration. It was promised to us the temp would be in the low 90's, however, at 5pm the temp in the shade was 102* (notice the top picture) so I was trying to stay cool despite what my red cheeks are saying. We enjoyed great food and wonderful company until the storms rolled in, the temp dropped 25 degrees, it started to rain and the power went out. It was time to leave to get home for Olivia's bedtime anyway so the power outage was not a party stopper for us.
Earlier this week I met up with a good friend from CA to have our kids play at the spray park on base. It's a big concrete park with waterfalls, water spouts and just lots of water. The great thing is there is not a pool anywhere so Olivia can play with friends, I can sit in the shade and she cannot drown. Olivia enjoyed the waterfalls after the girls got there and showed her how much fun it could be. Trisha and I enjoyed talking babies, as I am 11 weeks from my due date and she's just 10 week pregnant with #4. Thanks Trisha for all the wonderful boy clothes!
Thursday we honored Ryan's 5th year in the Marine Corps as he was commissioned July 9, 2004. It's crazy how much we've done over the past five years and wouldn't trade any of it. We've made great friends whom we continue to stay in contact with, despite great distances between everyone.
Friday we celebrated Ryan's 28th Birthday, Happy Birthday!! He already received his big gift at the join party with Olivia held at the end of June at my parents house. But, I was still able to surprise him with Halo Wars video game!! He wasn't even expecting that one! Olivia enjoyed eating cake and is always asking for more. She even got to open her birthday gifts from Great-Aunt Deed, which included a great vintage Mickey Mouse mug, her favorite cartoon character.
Til next time...
July 7, 2009
Loads of updates
I challenged my friend, Joni, to see who could update our blogs first. We've both been very busy the month of June and haven't had time to share our adventures with anyone. I sit here as Olivia finishes her breakfast, after playing outside while I complete the much needed weed wacking, and thought what a perfect time to write a little something.
The last posting had something to do with Chicago, it's been too long, bad Tina! The entire month of June was spent at my parents house in WI relaxing, going to the airport with my dad and visiting the in-laws. Some of the major things that happened were quite exciting.
Several times I went with Dad out to the the airport to work on the Bamboo Bomber. It's a 1943 large twin engine aircraft that is gorgeous. Not many left in working condition so it's really neat to have access to one. We took the prop off one engine since it was leaking and took it to get fixed. A week or so later, Olivia came with us to pick it back looked like a brand new prop.
Dad and I flew a twin-engine Apache airplane to Chicago to pick up my sister Katie for a week of fun. The trip was a bit bumpy since we traveled at 11,000 ft and through clouds. Think about flying through a bowl full of cotton balls then hitting potholes in the road and that was the trip, fun all the same. We saw Katie's new apartment...very nice, and had lunch at Potbelly's. The entire round trip took less time than it would have just to drive over to Chicago...gotta love airplanes. Olivia stayed with Mom and they enjoyed eachother's company a lot. The next day, Dad, Katie and I flew with several other people up to an airshow for the morning. It was really exciting because there were 4 aircraft of different decades flying formation. Katie and Dad lead the way in a World War II Navy N3N Biplane, next came the BirdDog (looks like a Piper Cub), then the 1940s twin-engine Apache, then myself with a friend of Dad's in RV. I took lots of pictures since the RV is an acrobatic aircraft and the slowest speed it could travel before stalling is 100mph (the N3N maxes out at 90mph), hence why we brought up the rear. I even got to wear a parachute for the first time since the RV can make rolls and loops. That evening, Olivia and I met up with the in-laws to go to Como Zoo in St. Paul.
Olivia played outside on my parents deck, along with the cats, every second she could. It was a bit chilly in the beginning but she was out there all the time. It was nice seeing her have so much fun. Nana got her a play tent that she proceeded to take all her bedtime items into and we even thought she'd nap out there but no luck.
We went over to Eden Prairie to the in-laws every Sunday so they could see Olivia. One Sunday we went to lake for a late lunch, early dinner, ice cream and playing on the playground. She got to see her cousin Lydia who has gotten quite big since we last saw her in March.
I to have gotten bigger. I went from looking like I'd gained 15 Ibs eating too much pasta to looking pregnant. Mom got me a bunch of new clothes and just spoiled me rotten. Back rubs, cooking dinner, making lunch. I cleaned the kitchen and bathroom regularly, and kept Olivia's things pretty much in order. Had to do something to make my keep.
Ryan returned from CA at the end of June and both families got together at my parents house to celebrate both his and Olivia's birthdays as well as father's day. His flight was delayed then cancelled so Olivia was asleep at my parents house when he landed so I picked him up solo at the airport. It's weird having the homecoming all to myself and not sharing the join of seeing my husband after a while without other wives doing the same. It's good to have him back. Both Ryan and Olivia got great gifts. Ryan got Rock Band II, the only thing he's ever asked for, while Olivia got some dress up clothes, Mickey Mouse books, Little People Princess Castle and of course adorable clothes. Not only did they get great gifts, my parents surprised Ryan and me with a brand new Nikon D60, with an extra lens. I was shocked and Ryan was interested in Rock Band. I've been saying since my parents got their Nikon how I'd like one too, they take great pictures, and I'm so thankful for my parents ability to find great deals on electronics. Ryan treats the camera like a newborn child since we both know it won't be replaced if something happens.
Anyway, I think that covers the big adventures. I really just relaxed, oh and helped pull some trees in the backyard and took my dad's 1954 Cadillac out of the trailer and parked it in the garage.
Hope you enjoyed reading about our adventures. Now wejust have to get this house in order for the arrival of our son. Much to do and very little time!
TTFN (Ta Ta For Now)
The last posting had something to do with Chicago, it's been too long, bad Tina! The entire month of June was spent at my parents house in WI relaxing, going to the airport with my dad and visiting the in-laws. Some of the major things that happened were quite exciting.
Several times I went with Dad out to the the airport to work on the Bamboo Bomber. It's a 1943 large twin engine aircraft that is gorgeous. Not many left in working condition so it's really neat to have access to one. We took the prop off one engine since it was leaking and took it to get fixed. A week or so later, Olivia came with us to pick it back looked like a brand new prop.
Dad and I flew a twin-engine Apache airplane to Chicago to pick up my sister Katie for a week of fun. The trip was a bit bumpy since we traveled at 11,000 ft and through clouds. Think about flying through a bowl full of cotton balls then hitting potholes in the road and that was the trip, fun all the same. We saw Katie's new apartment...very nice, and had lunch at Potbelly's. The entire round trip took less time than it would have just to drive over to Chicago...gotta love airplanes. Olivia stayed with Mom and they enjoyed eachother's company a lot. The next day, Dad, Katie and I flew with several other people up to an airshow for the morning. It was really exciting because there were 4 aircraft of different decades flying formation. Katie and Dad lead the way in a World War II Navy N3N Biplane, next came the BirdDog (looks like a Piper Cub), then the 1940s twin-engine Apache, then myself with a friend of Dad's in RV. I took lots of pictures since the RV is an acrobatic aircraft and the slowest speed it could travel before stalling is 100mph (the N3N maxes out at 90mph), hence why we brought up the rear. I even got to wear a parachute for the first time since the RV can make rolls and loops. That evening, Olivia and I met up with the in-laws to go to Como Zoo in St. Paul.
Olivia played outside on my parents deck, along with the cats, every second she could. It was a bit chilly in the beginning but she was out there all the time. It was nice seeing her have so much fun. Nana got her a play tent that she proceeded to take all her bedtime items into and we even thought she'd nap out there but no luck.
We went over to Eden Prairie to the in-laws every Sunday so they could see Olivia. One Sunday we went to lake for a late lunch, early dinner, ice cream and playing on the playground. She got to see her cousin Lydia who has gotten quite big since we last saw her in March.
I to have gotten bigger. I went from looking like I'd gained 15 Ibs eating too much pasta to looking pregnant. Mom got me a bunch of new clothes and just spoiled me rotten. Back rubs, cooking dinner, making lunch. I cleaned the kitchen and bathroom regularly, and kept Olivia's things pretty much in order. Had to do something to make my keep.
Ryan returned from CA at the end of June and both families got together at my parents house to celebrate both his and Olivia's birthdays as well as father's day. His flight was delayed then cancelled so Olivia was asleep at my parents house when he landed so I picked him up solo at the airport. It's weird having the homecoming all to myself and not sharing the join of seeing my husband after a while without other wives doing the same. It's good to have him back. Both Ryan and Olivia got great gifts. Ryan got Rock Band II, the only thing he's ever asked for, while Olivia got some dress up clothes, Mickey Mouse books, Little People Princess Castle and of course adorable clothes. Not only did they get great gifts, my parents surprised Ryan and me with a brand new Nikon D60, with an extra lens. I was shocked and Ryan was interested in Rock Band. I've been saying since my parents got their Nikon how I'd like one too, they take great pictures, and I'm so thankful for my parents ability to find great deals on electronics. Ryan treats the camera like a newborn child since we both know it won't be replaced if something happens.
Anyway, I think that covers the big adventures. I really just relaxed, oh and helped pull some trees in the backyard and took my dad's 1954 Cadillac out of the trailer and parked it in the garage.
Hope you enjoyed reading about our adventures. Now wejust have to get this house in order for the arrival of our son. Much to do and very little time!
TTFN (Ta Ta For Now)
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