The past week has been filled with fun. We were invited over the 4th of July holiday by our neighbor's to go with them to a great Independence Day celebration. It was promised to us the temp would be in the low 90's, however, at 5pm the temp in the shade was 102* (notice the top picture) so I was trying to stay cool despite what my red cheeks are saying. We enjoyed great food and wonderful company until the storms rolled in, the temp dropped 25 degrees, it started to rain and the power went out. It was time to leave to get home for Olivia's bedtime anyway so the power outage was not a party stopper for us.
Earlier this week I met up with a good friend from CA to have our kids play at the spray park on base. It's a big concrete park with waterfalls, water spouts and just lots of water. The great thing is there is not a pool anywhere so Olivia can play with friends, I can sit in the shade and she cannot drown. Olivia enjoyed the waterfalls after the girls got there and showed her how much fun it could be. Trisha and I enjoyed talking babies, as I am 11 weeks from my due date and she's just 10 week pregnant with #4. Thanks Trisha for all the wonderful boy clothes!
Thursday we honored Ryan's 5th year in the Marine Corps as he was commissioned July 9, 2004. It's crazy how much we've done over the past five years and wouldn't trade any of it. We've made great friends whom we continue to stay in contact with, despite great distances between everyone.
Friday we celebrated Ryan's 28th Birthday, Happy Birthday!! He already received his big gift at the join party with Olivia held at the end of June at my parents house. But, I was still able to surprise him with Halo Wars video game!! He wasn't even expecting that one! Olivia enjoyed eating cake and is always asking for more. She even got to open her birthday gifts from Great-Aunt Deed, which included a great vintage Mickey Mouse mug, her favorite cartoon character.
Til next time...
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